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Ketahuan Pakai Doping, Peraih Medali Emas Olimpiade 2012 Pensiun

Perenang asal Amerika Serikat Conor Dwyer.

SportFEAT.COM - Perenang asal Amerika Serikat, Conor Dwyer, memilih pensiun setelah dinyatakan positif menggunakan doping.

Seperti dikutip dari laman AFP, Badan Anti Doping Amerika Serikat, USADA, telah mengambil langkah setelah menguji urin Conor Dwyer November 2018

Hasil uji USADA mengindikasikan adanya agen anabolik terlarang yang berada dalam tubuh Conor Dwyer.

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Senyawa anabolik terlarang yang dimaksud adalah testosteron yang dikenal dapat meningkatkan kapasitas kerja tubuh.

Alhasil, Conor Dwyer dijatuhi larangan tampil dari Badan Arbitrase Olahraga Amerika selama 20 bulan per Desember 2018.

Larangan tampil pun membuat peraih emas nomor estafet pada Olimpiade London 2012 itu absen pada Kejuaraan Dunia AS 2019 dan Olimpiade 2020.

Pasalnya, skorsing yang Dwyer dapatkan baru akan rampung pada Agustus 2020.

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Today i’m announcing my retirement from professional swimming. It has been an incredible ride and I have accomplished more than my wildest dreams. It was an honor to represent my country alongside my teammates. Thank you to my coaches for teaching me that you can achieve anything if you out work everyone. To my mom who taught me how to swim, to my parents who took me to swim practice when it was 5am and subzero in Chicago and sacrificed so much for me because they believed in me and my dreams. Thank you to all my siblings and cousins for never missing a single meet, for being my rock throughout this unforgettable ride. To all the friends and teammates that have been there, old and new, I cherish every moment and memories we have made throughout the years. I have always felt that swimming chose me- it has and will always have a very special place in my heart. This is an unfortunate end to an incredible chapter of my life. I believe that things happen for a reason, and I can’t wait to share with you all the next chapter of my life.

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